Monday, February 10, 2014

write365: Let's Get Ready For Disappointment!

Here's the skinny: a few years back, an internet cohort by the name of Pete Speer decided "Hey, I'm going to write something every day for a year!" A few people joined in, and they all wrote a lot of stuff, and it was beautiful.

Well, Pete has decided he wanted to do it again, and more people joined in...and somehow, I have gotten press ganged into this effort. I'm not happy about it, as you all know how much I hate doing things...but what the hell, let's give it a shot.

Ideally, I'd like to spend some of those days with further blog posts--more nano critiques, a few rants, and the occasional glimpse into the ongoing slow-motion train wreck that is my life. I also have three or four story ideas that I like--and have been batting around for a few years--but I have put zero words to paper (or screen) for any of them. Hell, I don't even have outlines. I wouldn't put it all on the blog, but I'd put a few snippets and things. I also have an idea for November that would take some serious pre-planning, but would be cool if I could pull it off.

Realistically...two posts a month if you're lucky.

You can also keep an eye on the progress of other participants at these places:

Peter Speer
Jon Nathan Raby
Lindsay Branca
Sean Williams
Dan Sackett
Andrew Dugan
(also Joe Schmidt, who doesn't have a link that I could steal from Nate's preview post like I did all the others.)

I recommend keeping an eye on those links, as they probably won't let you down nearly as much as I will.

1 comment:

  1. Kick ass. I look forward to it and will try to comment here as time allows.
