Wednesday, January 29, 2014

The Critical Eye: 6-10

Once more we open the Critical Eye and cast it on five more stories. As always, your feedback is welcome. If there were things

Sunday, January 19, 2014

The Critical Eye: 1-5

Hello, and welcome to the newest feature here at the Cavalcade of Failure, wherein I look back on previous work and point out the parts that sucked. (OK, not always just those parts. Sometimes the good parts too.) If you have any feedback you'd like to add, feel free to do so in the comments section.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Back to the Word Mines

After a month of being completely unproductive, I suppose I should actually try and get some use out of this thing. I have some ideas for future posts, and hopefully I can get off my lazy ass long enough to do some of them.

Chief among them is looking back on my NanoWriMo posts with a critical eye; taking a look at what I did wrong, and what I would change. I may even try second drafts of some of them, which is weird for me...nearly everything I've ever written is a "first-and-a-half" draft, because I tend to edit as I go, and I'm almost always up against a deadline when I write.

There may also be some ongoing series: recaps of what reading I've done (as I have a sizable amount to catch up on), rants about whatever is making me angry at this particular moment, big ideas that I've never acted on; things like that.

So keep your eye out for future activity...and if you don't see any, maybe give me static about it. With your support, the Cavalcade marches on.