Lord Bartholomew Slattery stood before
me on the field where we had chosen to do battle. “I trust the
location is to your liking, Baron?”
“They are,” I answered. “Is my
choice of weapons agreeable to you?”
“Most certainly,” he said,
“although you are a greater fool than I had previously supposed.
You give me the option of using my own favored rifle? And what, pray
tell, will you be using?”
I held up a stick, then opened my hand
to reveal a marshmallow.
Bartholomew grinned. “A card to the
end, Baron. I would laugh, if I didn't despise you so much. Shall
I nodded, and we took our places on the
field. As I skewered the confection onto the end of the stick, my
opponent called out. “Don't think the distance shall save you,
Clive! I'll have you know that I am perfectly accurate with this
firearm from twice this distance, and more!”
I made no reply, except to hold my
right arm at a 100-degree angle, pointing the stick directly at Lord
Slattery. When I was ready, I called out, “Shall I do the honors?”
“Please do!” he shouted, the
amusement clear in his voice. He was so intent on me that he never
noticed the blue ball of light forming in the sky, directly over his
“Fire,” I shouted. Before Lord
Slattery could even shoulder his rifle, he was disintegrated by the
laser beam from my orbital satellite. His second stood a mere fifty feet away, and was cooked from the
inside. By the time the heat from the blast reached me, all it did
was lightly toast the marshmallow.
As I consumed the victory snack, my own
second approached. “Hardly sporting, sir,” he chided.
I replied, “I don't hear Bartholomew
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