Dr. Randolph Turay had been napping on the
couch when the phone rang.
“Hello?” An excited voice came from
the other end.
“Good evening, Mrs. Swan. How may I
help you?”
“I see. He hasn't been bothering that
old Romani woman with one ear again, has he?”
Randolph rolled to his feet, his
middle-aged joints complaining all the while, and cradled the phone
between his head and shoulder while he went to the closet.
“And this...'goo'...”--he scowled
at using such an unscientific term--“...coming from his eyes, what
color is it? Please be specific.”
He opened the door and grabbed a few
things, setting them aside as he did so. A black garment bag, a hat
box, a black medical bag, and an album sleeve.
“No blue streaks? Good. Normally, I'd
have you bring your son down to the clinic for this, Mrs. Swan, but
circumstances being what they are, I think I'll just come to see you
“I should be there within the hour.
In the meantime, if you could acquire a live chicken, I would be very
grateful. Do you or any of your neighbors have a black cat?”
“It's all right, I can make do. I'll
see you soon. Goodbye.”
Randolph hung up the phone. He sent a
quick text to his partner--making a house call, will be late for
dinner, taking Mr. Sparks--and then began his preparations.
He removed a record from its sleeve and
placed it on the turntable. Soon, the house was filled with horns and
screaming. Randolph secretly preferred the Creedence Clearwater
Revival version, but it wasn't right for the situation. In his line
of work, appearances were important and rituals even more so.
“I put a spell on you...”
He sat down in front of a mirror and
opened a small jar of makeup, and started applying it to his face,
the white coloring contrasting his dark skin. Before long, it would
start to take the shape of a skull.
“Because you're mine...”
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